Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children
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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Daddy Does Jammy Time

So, Meelsie has taken to uttering / hollering / crying the word "no" at every possible opportunity. As in, she has told me "no" more time than Allison and Abby, over the span of 13 years, combined.

I am reading parenting books like there's no tomorrow. I'm currently re-reading "Love and Logic," but Cline and Fay don't much address young toddler-age misbehavior. Anyone have any ideas?

Now, to the title of this post. Weary of being told "no" by a seventeen month-old, I asked Dad to jammy her up tonight.

I specifically told him there is a TUBE of LOTION from BATH & BODY WORKS that he should put on her little arms and legs and etc.

So, I came downstairs towards the end of the lotioning up. Dave was smearing a BOTTLE of HAIR PRODUCT from CAROL'S DAUGHTER all over her body!!! Aughghgh!

(He wants me to mention he thinks it gave her skin a really nice sheen.)

(And after this little episode, he might think I'll never ask him to help again. Wrong! I think the best motto is this: "Practice makes perfect!" Ha!)


Susan said...

hee-hee! This made me laugh! Keep trying Dave! You'll get it!

gerilynn said...

I love this story!!!
I laughed and laughed! Good try Dave!
I hope the "no" issues is getting better! Hang in there!