Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children
What could be better than an Ethiopian welcome, FOVC style?

Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Picture of Little Boy B!!

Sorry, can't share any more. But isn't it cute and sweet? Those old adoption feelings have started bubbling up again. We can't wait to get to Ethiopia!


Lisa said...

Oh that is such a cute picture. I love how his pink crocks are on the opposite feet.

Jennifer said...

oh, those little pink crocs just get to you, don't they? Even more so because they are on the wrong feet.

Jonas Adoption Journey said...

It seems like its going so quickly!! How long ago did you restart?? SO excited for you!!

Paula said...

Love the crocs on the wrong feet!!! Our twins do the exact same thing STILL and apparently can't tell at all which shoe goes on which foot... every time they put on their shoes they look up and ask "Wrong feet?"

Jeni said...

I am so excited to read that you are adopting again!!! Did you know that the name Bereket means blessings? I haven't been to your blog in a while...but I'm glad to read about your good news!! :) :)

Ruthanne said...

SO cute. Those crocs are the BEST. lol I have one of Bear in a purple and pink shirt. lol