Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children
What could be better than an Ethiopian welcome, FOVC style?

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Advent Conspiracy, that is!

Please share with us if you are spending less this year. What are you doing instead? In our family, we are spending much, much less.

Instead, we want to Worship Fully. Spend Less. Give More. Love All.

What about you?


Brad said...

LOVE IT!!!! We decided 7 years ago while my husband was in seminary and our kids were little, to do way less with Christmas gifts than we grew up with...we give each of our kids 3 gifts (one a book). But, I'm struggling this year as there are SO many people to give gifts to...I feel like it keeps on multiplying...teachers, church staff, sunday school teachers, family that doesn't want to give up the gift tradition, etc. Trying to figure out how to simplify some more. Our kids decided to buy 3 ducks for World Vision instead of giving gifts to each other-I'm hoping this will be a lifelong tradition for them.

I'd LOVE any simplifying ideas, please!!!!

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