Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children
What could be better than an Ethiopian welcome, FOVC style?

Friday, November 13, 2009

One Week and EEEEEKKKKK!

In one week we will know whether or not we passed court in Ethiopia. Yikes! Two families from our agency--both returning adopters who are bringing non-babies home, like us--passed court yesterday. Yea!

In other terrifying news, Abby was suprised to meet a mouse out in our garage pantry this morning. (She says it was big and she says it was a rat....but I just can't go there.)

Apparently it was on a shelf and it SQUEAKED at her when she saw it. Abby's typically a steady-as-she-goes kinda gal; I don't think I've ever seen her move so fast as she did when she streaked back into the house. Poor Abs!

Alas, Dave is still out of town. And I'm not going to the garage to deal with it. EEEEEKKK, you know. So, the ol'minivan is parked safely outside, in the driveway, until Dave comes home and saves us. In the meantime, I have done my part by thoroughly vacumming every shelf in our real kitchen, lest any kitchen crumbs entice Mr./Ms. Mouse out of the garage and into the house. EWWWWW!


Unknown said...

Praying over your court date and feeling you about the mouse. YUCK!

We had a dead one in the garage the other day. YICK!

Blessings and love,

Anderson Crew said...

Can't wait to hear GREAT court date news!

I don't do mice! I would leave it there, for sure!

steffany said...

Is it dead?
Your are one committed blogger to get a pic:)

Brad said...

SO waiting to hear about you passing court!!!! :)
AAAGGHH...I don't like rodents!!!

Jennifer said...

Make sure it stays OUT of the house or they start multiplying like crazy (when my house was remodeled and I had no wall I found out).
One week! Good news that others are passing. Can't wait to see his picture and for you to be a BOY mama!