Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children
What could be better than an Ethiopian welcome, FOVC style?

Monday, November 9, 2009

Next week...

...we can say our court date is "this week!"

(It's only 10 days away now!)


Jonas Adoption Journey said...

YAY!! I'll be praying that you make it through on your first court go-round...and you can pray for us...we just opened a file to adopt a 6 year old little girl as well!! Maybe we will be there together again!!

Kendell said...

WOOOHOOO!!! Praying for your family and that sweet B will be coming home SOON!!!

Kari said...

I will be following along and praying for safe travels for you two and for your girls at home. It is a joy to watch your family as you follow God's leading.

Jennifer said... are going to be a boy mama SOON!

Jonas Adoption Journey said...

How are you able to use your paperwork? didn't it all expire? here is my email
I'd like to ask you some stuff about the paperwork

Melinda said...

Wow, I can't believe you have a court date already. Just seems like yesterday when you were starting this adoption journey. I will be praying you pass and will have your boy home by Christmas!

steffany said...
