Now that the process of adopting Amelia is entering the final phases, we have decided to start a blog...great timing! (I guess we're not exactly "early adopters" after all--get it? Ha!)
Even as the nuts-and-bolts process begins to wind down, our thoughts and dreams and inspirations are kicking into high gear. It seems everywhere we turn, we find features or stories that relate to adoption in Ethiopia. Just this week, we discovered articles from Compassion Magazine's summer '08 edition, World Magazine's May 31, 2008 issue and USA Today on May 27, 2008 .
Adopting from Africa has been on our hearts--off and on--for a few years now. We never dreamed it would finally and actually happen, though.
We began the adoption process in mid-December, 2007 with International Adoption Net here in Colorado. We accepted a referral for a tiny, sweet baby girl on Dave's birthday---March 21, 2008. We hope to travel in mid-July. Stay tuned as details unfold!
We are Dave (aka Dad), Lory (aka Mom), Allison, Abby (aka "The Bigs"), three year-old Amelia and six year-old Bereket (aka "The Littles"). We are figuring out how to be a family of SIX. May God always be glorified! TEAM TASFA is a group of twenty-eight of us who just returned from remote southern Ethiopia, where we were privileged to serve the orphans and widows there. It was the best two weeks of my life!
Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children
What could be better than an Ethiopian welcome, FOVC style?