For those of you with young children. It's NEVER too late to start fearing the dreaded Science Project. At our school, it is a requirement for fourth grade. The rest of the students will turn their projects in on March 25. Since we'll be out of town then, Abby is turning her project in today.
Here's my disclaimer: Sure, she chose a bit of a tricky project. But we didn't put it off and we did budget our time wisely.
It's the darn MICROBES.
They didn't grow on our schedule. They took their own sweet time to grow, in spite of the tasty agar we fed them.
And Abby couldn't finish the project until she knew how her experiment was going to turn out.
We finally got it all put together yesterday. Yea!
Here is the finished project. We're very proud of her hard scientific research, in spite of those pesky microbes.
Finally, here's a cute picture of Meelsie to hold you over until we return....
...because we leave for France at the crack of dawn tomorrow!
Au revoir! A bientot! A toute a l'heure!
And by the way, a rubbing alcohol solution is the best microbe-killer. Lysol is a close second. And a weak bleach solution is the worst!)
I would gladly never go to France if it meant we would never have to do a science fair project. :)
Have a great trip! It's our favorite city!! Can't wait to read about it when you get back!! Bon Voyage mon ami!!
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