Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children
What could be better than an Ethiopian welcome, FOVC style?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Hair Excitement

Amelia's hair is getting longer, and the curls are so darling! I know it doesn't look so long in pictures--that's because it's curled up. But you should see her in the bath tub (or, the bath sink, to be more exact). It's pretty long these days!

Meelsie's hair is so cute. But as a curly-haired gal myself, I know the day will come when she and I will commiserate together about the hazards and pitfalls of curly locks. Like mother, like daughter, right? :-)

In anticipation of more hair and summer fun, I ordered the product line-up from Carol's Daughter. It should arrive this week. I can't wait to "do hair" with my baby girl!


Kari said...

Lori, I love Carol's Daughter, even though Zoie's hair is still sooo short:) What is the line up?? It sounds fun! I can't wait to do Zoie's hair in poofy little pigtails!
The girls look fantastic!!
Love your blog:)

Kari said...

Thanks for the hair tips for Zoie. WOW...we really do have a lot in common. YES!! Come visit me after you drop off your daughter. What camp is she going to?? My Hannah will be going too:)
Why don't you email me so we can chit chat about details...
So fun that Jamie Jo helped you too. Our adoption hero!!

Shawn said...

Hey - they carry Carol's Daughter products at Sephora in the 29th Street Mall in Boulder. No need to buy online and pay shipping!


Jonas Adoption Journey said...

Hi Lori
So funny about the hair...just wait. I just did a post about being beat by Tess's hair and cutting it short again (like it was when we saw you in Addis last summer). I think I'll be better preparted in 6 months when it grows back again...Keep the good info coming!!

Kari said...

Amelia...feel better soon!! Zoie sends you a biggg hug:)

Jennifer said...

Can't wait to see the new 'do's!!