Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children
What could be better than an Ethiopian welcome, FOVC style?

Friday, February 25, 2011


This is the video our church will show this weekend because it is sponsorship / adoption Sunday. It's weird and humbling, on a personal level. On a Kingdom level, may it move many people to adopt or sponsor children! Many members of Team Tasfa have flown in to get the kids sponsored!

Dave & Lory Howlett from Rocky Mountain Christian Church on Vimeo.


Renee said...

That was a great video, guys! Thanks so much for sharing a little of your story.

Ingrid said...

That was amazing! You guys are on my list of heros! Absolutely love it and love you!

LeeAnn said...

You made my heart skip a few beats! I love you all and know your video will inspire! Thank you so much for sharing and for letting me travel to Shanto with you!