If you recall, our days in the Italian countryside were, er, spiced up by Dave's driving. Nevertheless, we saw sights and scenery that we never would have experienced if we had stayed in Rome. (Note to self: next time, pay the $60 for the GPS!)
Thanks to the fabulous suggestion from our amazing neighbors, we started off in Orvieto. This was the best and most beautiful village of all. Here is a photo of the cathedral in the town piazza. Started in the 1300's, it took over 300 years to build.
The entire face of the structure is laid with tiny mosaic tiles.
Orvieto is famous for its ceramic pottery. Our big purchase was a beautiful plate. It's being shipped to us as I type.
Next stop: Siena.
This is where Dave drove illegally down ever-narrowing alleys, to the chagrin and disgust of thousands of pedestrians. Since no cars are theoretically allowed in these alleys, there were no polizia cars there, so we were fortunate to escape the notice of the polizia!
This is the duomo in Siena. (Duomo means cathedral, or "house of God.") It was intricately beautiful. It was inspiring to imagine all of the community that has taken place for hundreds of years in these town squares and piazzas.
Here is the famous piazza in Siena. Gelato all around!
Final major stop: Assisi. Dave has always wanted to go there!
This is a typical street in the ancient village.
Another street....this is just what I always imagined Italy would look like!
A view across the valley from the village.
The countryside truly was a magical place. It defies description, and photos don't do it justice. What an opportunity this has been, and what amazing memories we will always treasure.