Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children
What could be better than an Ethiopian welcome, FOVC style?

Monday, September 15, 2008

Girl with Glasses

In addition to her new braces, Abby has new glasses. Turns out, she was correct when she told us she couldn't see the board in school. Here's the new look:
I think I have never seen such a perfect combination of smart and beautiful. What a girl!

Here's a funny picture of Amelia. We took a short hike in Rocky Mountain National Park, and I was concerned her mostly bald little head might be a bit chilly. So she donned a little-pink-polka-dot-hiking-hood look. As you can see, she thought it was funny!

Finally, this girl loves to play! Here she is being busy before bed. (She has still never slept less than ten hours at night...and usually, it's more like eleven hours! What a blessing for old parents...)


Steph and Evan Griffith said...

Hi Lory,
Still no word on the court date:(

Your girls are beautiful!


Shawn said...

I LOVE the glasses. They are so Tina Fey/Sarah Palin. She looks great! I also love love love the pink head wrap on Meels. Where did you get it?


Tara said...

Seriously cute glasses. Chicks with glasses rock! If you guys are in Frederick this Sunday, come see Dave's glasses (Dave is the bass player in Adam's band). They have orange stripes!

Lisa said...

Abby looks really great with those glasses. They do not even take away from how cute she is. Very cooool!