So, we are praying and seeking wise counsel. We have received some great insights and encouragement from families who are more experienced in these matters than we are. Also some wise words of caution.
I have found TWO FAMILIES whose structure is similar to the one we are proposing: Older American-born kids, foreign-born baby girl, and middle-sized Ethiopian kids as the center of the sandwich. God is amazing (the internet helps, too!).
Here's what I figured out today:
We met these boys. We have pictures of them. They were at Sele Enat when we were there nearly 13 months ago. I have been looking, looking, looking at the pictures today. It's unbelievable.
We covet your prayers, information, resources....or your construction skills. Because if we move forward, we'll probably have to add on to our house.
We are Dave (aka Dad), Lory (aka Mom), Allison, Abby (aka "The Bigs"), three year-old Amelia and six year-old Bereket (aka "The Littles"). We are figuring out how to be a family of SIX. May God always be glorified! TEAM TASFA is a group of twenty-eight of us who just returned from remote southern Ethiopia, where we were privileged to serve the orphans and widows there. It was the best two weeks of my life!
Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children
What could be better than an Ethiopian welcome, FOVC style?
Praying for you Lory! Praying God will make it clear if these are your boys or not.
Is your husband feeling a little overhwhelmed by all the estrogen floating around your house?!?! But Seriously, I think you are amazing to be considering this is a big one that will change everything, but could be a miracle for these boys. It breaks my heart to hear how long they have been at Sele Enat. God will direct your paths..He is incredibly faithful!
Sounds like the picture is burned into your memory....they sure had an effect on you, didn't they? What do the girls think?
Remember me? From the IAN reference you gave? Anyway, still been reading your blog and am excited to see what God has in store for your family. My husband has 7 adopted siblings, various ages and mixed in birth's definitely crazy and DOES change everything, but I can't imagine our family without any of them...or where their life would be like today had they not been adopted. Pray...
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