Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children
What could be better than an Ethiopian welcome, FOVC style?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Too gross not to post

Question: Guess who likes rice cereal
more than Amelia?

Answer: Rosie the kitten!

I know this is too awful. But it's so awful, I had to capture it with my camera. And share it with the world.

Honestly, I'm not a bad mom and we don't live in a sty. Or a zoo. I was getting something from a drawer--between bites of cereal--and Rosie Posey the piggy kitten made her move.

Really, it won't happen again.


Shawn said...

How could something "awful" result in a smile that beautiful? Simply gorgeous.

Lory Howlett said...

Shawn, it's a bit like you and Lidya and the knives....!

Tara said...

That is pretty awesome! At least little kitty cats are gentle...I am imagining our future children being given a car wash by our golden retriever!