Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children
What could be better than an Ethiopian welcome, FOVC style?

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Super Cool -- Wordle!

I found a super-fun site called Wordle on another blog.

You, too, can go to Wordle and create a "beautiful word cloud" using words that are important to you. It's free, it's fun, it's easy--and dare I say I feel a bit crafty?

Let me know if you make (and post) a Wordle...I'd love to see 'em!


Leah Reeves said...

Cool! Thanks for the posting that.

We are undecided about a brother or sister. Maybe we will leave it open. Although we have sooooooo many cute girl things : )

FYI Janie and Jack has cute gold baby shoes on sale. Oh they are cute! I may have to post about them.

GinSpaghetti said...

Hi Lory, thanks for your comment. You have a sweet family - I had to add your blog to my reader! :) Hope you are having a great new year '09!

Derek and Betsy said...

Very cool....DW

Jennifer said...

This is so fun to play with! Now if I can figure out how your got the words different sizes! Coooool gadget.