Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children

Friends of Orphans and Vulnerable Children
What could be better than an Ethiopian welcome, FOVC style?

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Another article about the situation in Ethiopia

We received the June 14, 2008 issue of The Economist today. There is an article titled, "Ethiopia: Will it ever be able to stave off starvation?" I would paste the article here, but the photo is probably too disturbing. So click here to read it.

How can we do more than be a lifeline to this one little girl? Our hearts burn as we cry out to God, "Here we are, send us!" What will that mean? What can we do? What will God do?

How can it be that such a significant amount of (governmental, UN) aid goes out to the people, but there is still so much suffering?

What can we do? Where is the Church?

We purchased ten copies of "There is no me Without You," by Melissa Faye Greene. This is not a "Christian" book, per se, but God certainly used it in our lives. If you live nearby, and you're at all interested, we would be thrilled to give you a copy. Just let us know. Here's what the book looks like:

We can't recommend this book enough. It's a well-written, amazing read. We hope you'll claim your free copy! :-)

Until you can get a copy of the book, or if you don't live nearby, check out the author's website here--


Leah Reeves said...

Great Book. How are you all doing?

Shawn said...

Everyone we talked to in ET (the locals, that is) was disgusted by the corruption in the government. Apparently their "democracy" isn't working out too well. It really makes you sick. That's why I like Children's Heaven so much (as a charity), you can give directly and know you are making a difference since you're bypassing all the middle men. Not the case with UNICEF and other biggies.

Can't wait to hear about your travel dates.

Michelle said...

I just ordered this book off of Amazon. I can't wait to read it as I am beginning to look at Ethiopia for my journey to become a mommy.